DIY Boho Macrame Hanging Jars
3. Split each knotted group (you made in the previous step) and create new groups of two. Tie these new groups in a knot about one inch away from the previous knot. Repeat this step multiple times, until the net fits perfectly around the jar you chose. Every jar is different, and will require different amount of knotted layers. {Note: You can easily create different designs for your macrame jars by tying the knots on each layer less or more than an inch.}
4. Place your jar inside of the macrame net. Then take a piece of twine (about 30″ in length) and fold it in half. Tie this piece of twine around the top of the jar, making sure the knots from the last layer you created are above this piece of twine.
5. Group 2 sets of 2 strands, and tie them together just above the rim of the jar. Repeat all around. You should have 3 groups of 4 strands each now.
6. Tie all of the strands together at the top, about 7-8″ above the jar. Seperate the strands into groups of 6. Braid each group of 6 till the braid measures about 3-4″.
7. Tie the 2 braids together, about 2″ above the knot at the bottom of the braids. Trim any excess twine at the top. Add your flowers or plants and you’re all done!
Marie Sophie Digne says
So nice ! great idea !!!
Anonymous says
I love this idea, I know you made a bunch, did you find a cheap source for buying "bulk" twine???
Shelley Hite says
Brillant idea. I live in a apartment with a patio. My biggest hurdle has been in trying to create some privacy. I am already thinking of the ways I could string 3 or 4 of these together vertically (making 5-6 vertical Strings), and then hanging each unit a foot or so apart from the overhang. Thanks so much for the idea.
ankita says
its really nice i like it
parul says
its great really i like it