How To: Crochet The Popcorn Stitch – Easy Tutorial
Even if you’ve only ever crocheted the most basic of crochet stitches, the Popcorn Stitch is pretty easy to learn, and only takes a tiny bit of practise.
The popcorn stitch is usually a lot puffier than a bobble stitch, which makes it a great stitch to crochet blankets and scarves with!
If you’d like to learn how to create the “Popcorn Stitch“, this helpful video will guide you through all the steps as you continue on your ever-growing crochet journey!
What are some other crochet stitches you’d like to learn?
Thank you for this tutorial. I've wondered how to do this stitch, without taking the time to learn it. I've watched your video and saw how easy it is. Thanks again. (Beautiful music in the background!)
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Your Tutorialing was very Helpful
A lovely tutorial. Clear and superbly presented. A very useful stitch. Thank you Olivia Iām so pleased to have found you.
I enjoyed watching this video showing the Popcorn stitch for i had forgotten how to do it
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